Cyber Security Center for Innovation by ECPI University

Cyber Security Center for Innovation by ECPI University

A New Generation of Cyber Security

When it comes to discussing cyber security, many people believe they are not in danger. Instead, large businesses, the government, and other massive entities are the ones who should be worried. However, many people fail to realize just how valuable their personal information is or how much damage one hacker can do to individuals. Thankfully, there is a new way to fight cybercrime against personal and business users. This comes in the form of the ECPI University Cyber Center for Innovation.

Seriously, What Harm Can Hackers Do to Me?

It is a common misconception that hackers are out to steal billions of dollars in one operation. That hackers all look like movie villains, wearing black outfits and sunglasses in dark rooms while they type away on computers. But in actuality, a single hacker sitting in their living room can steal someone’s identity and use it for anything from splashing their private social media conversations over the internet to taking out a mortgage in their name.

What Information Can a Hacker Access?

It is easy to forget just how much information we all put online. Our banking information, cell phone data, hospital records, fitness information, even our favorite online takeout orders, are all saved online. Once a hacker gets access to your accounts, the damage they inflict could be devastating. Having your identity stolen is not a matter of showing up at a government office and promising them it’s you.

What Can I Do to Stay Safer Online?

Unfortunately, the truth is that the weakest link in cyber security is you. Everyone, whether a member of a large company or an individual user, has to take safety measures to keep one-step a hack of hackers. Everyone has to become a “human firewall,” if you will.

There are so many ways to safeguard your information. From choosing strong passwords, to keeping track of your digital devices, setting up alerts for your credit score or bank if there is any suspicious activity, there are lots of different methods you could use to protect your information.

One way you can find out more about how to use them is the ECPI University Cyber Center for Innovation. This virtual center, inspired by the cyber security degree programs offered at ECPI University, serves to connect businesses, people, and other centers, to help deal with cyber security issues as they arise and prevent cyber-attacks in the future.

How Can I Become a Part of the New ECPI University Cyber Center for Innovation?

If you are interested in working with the Center, you have a great deal of options. ECPI University students, faculty, and staff from all of the ECPI University campuses will be invited to work together as the driving force behind solving the cyber problems brought to them. They will also be engaging with the community for conferences, contests, and lots more. Businesses and individuals can utilize the center for cyber security tips, tricks, and assistance once an issue has arisen.

For more information on the ECPI University Cyber Center for Innovation, visit our homepage.
